It’s great to know you have visitors that actually read your blog but it’s even better when you know you have visitors that return often to your blog. Today I would like to give a very special thanks to for passing on to me my second blogging award. Thank you so much!!! Go over and check her blog out she posts regularly with some great well written and interesting posts. Here is the award I received from her.
“This blog invests and believes, in ‘proximity’ [meaning, that blogging makes us ‘close’ - being close through proxy]. These blogs are all charming and they aim to show the marvels of friendship. Let’s give more attention to them! So with this prize we must deliver it to eight bloggers that in turn must make the same thing and put this text.”
It is now my turn to pass this award on as well and here are the blogs I’ve chosen:
Give them a visit and Thank you to all my visitors!!!
I saw that you gave me this award and I was going to blog about it and then I got hit with a whole bunch more plus two different tags and don't you just hate run-on sentences because I sure do! Whew! I'm outta breath. Anyway, thank you. I've received this award before and I promise to acknowledge it on my blog. Happy Turkey Day!
Preston Thanks no problem and you're very welcome. What more can 1 say you are just 1 cool popular dude maybe I should create a special award myself just for you since you have received so many of them already, lmao! Same to you and don't eat too much!!!!
Thank you so much for giving me this award. I will post it to my blog today.
Happy Thanksgiving day to you and to your family!
Pinky, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well, hope you had a great one and you're welcome... Thanks for your dropping by with me!
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