While out traveling I decided to go on a tour of a natural live cave, (photo)
Blanchard Springs Cavern, it was a guided tour and I couldn't believe how beautiful it was.The trail I went on was called the Dripstone trail. It is open year round for tours. My family was amazed as we were walking through the cave. It is located in a town called Fifty Six, Arkansas, nestled in the Ozark Mountains.

There are other trails that you can go on as well, but they are seasonally operated. I am very excited one day to go on the wild cave tour that they offer. Our tour guide was awesome, though I forgot his name. He explained a lot to us and answered our questions well. He was telling us how the wild cave tour takes about five hours to complete and you have to get into hiking boots, coveralls, and head lights. It's not as easy of a trail as the one we went on, but my boys seemed to be very curious about it.